New and old hobby projects.
Currently I have a lot of hobby projects on the go - my goal is to finish them all! (unrealistic?)
I will update the progress of each individually here with photos and thoughts in the future and update this log as I go.
As you can see above I need a light box to take better photos, in fact a lesson on how to take better photo will not hurt either.
The roll call (of shame)
Chaos Space Marines: Red Corsairs
Stage: Assembly, waiting for parts
Note: Using some alternative models and shapeway parts - majority is from the new Chaos Marine range (Larger, crisper plastic models)
Space Marines : Sons of Medusa
Stage: On the painting table. 80% complete
Note: Home grown chapter - based on Sons of the Gorgon - Iron Hand successor. Using primaris marines mainly.
Militarum Tempestus Scions: Lambdan Lions
Stage: Assembly, waiting for parts
Note: This is an armoured transport list, using infantry and taurox primes, I have converted the tracks into wheels and have alternate heads on order for the scions.
Imperium Characters: mix
Stage: Assembled - 0% painted
This is a mix of character models, mainly Inquisitors and retinues that I've collected over the years, I will play them in narrative campaign but this project is mainly just for hobby fun more than gaming.
Death Guard
Stage: Assembly, waiting for parts
I feel like this project just never ends, It will be a lot of alternate models, conversions and first ever attempt to paint extreme Grim Dark. I a huge fan of 28 MAG, I have a lot to learn about this style painting and unlike the other project I'm in no rush on this project.
Stage: Assembled 10% painted
New models from 9th - just a simple paint job to get them on the table. With the Marines this will be my main gaming project.
Stage: On the painting table 95% painted
Note: Fantastic painting project, used a mix of the new GW contrast paint, ink and dry brush methods. Completed this project during Australia's Lockdown (Kept me sane?)
100 Kingdoms
Stage: Assembled 0% painted
Old school empire of man type models
Dweghoms (Commission)
On the painting table 25% painted
Dwarves but not as we know them, painting this from a friend.
The Nords
On the painting table 0% painted
Fantasy Vikings - love the models
Rebel Alliance
Stage: On the painting table 90% painted
Note: I'll do a full range review and show off the painting very soon. Very fun project.
Stage: On the painting table 60% painted
Note: so much black and white.
Stage: On the painting table 80% painted
Note: As with the rebel I do a full range review, as soon as I finish the tank.
Yep that's a lot of work!
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