So I know what army I'm after and I've got an idea of the colour scheme in mind for the Mercs
But like most warmachine project my starting point is basing - Merc miniatures add a new dimension to a project like this by being so varied in look.
Character units, Cygnar models, Jacks from many different design schools (Llael and privateers and scrapyards)
So the bases give me an out for army coherencies, colour choice ar the only other option but consider the fact some infantry has no armour to link to the Jacks armour
So Base (Looking for a messy world war 1 trench type base)
Starting with covering the tabs on the bases with sticky tape
But like most warmachine project my starting point is basing - Merc miniatures add a new dimension to a project like this by being so varied in look.
Character units, Cygnar models, Jacks from many different design schools (Llael and privateers and scrapyards)
So the bases give me an out for army coherencies, colour choice ar the only other option but consider the fact some infantry has no armour to link to the Jacks armour
So Base (Looking for a messy world war 1 trench type base)
Starting with covering the tabs on the bases with sticky tape
Using millaput to fill the recesses and adding cut up pop-icicle sticks as trench boards
Add fine sand and rock mix
This is also a good time to use all those spare bits and pieces - I like razor wire too.
This is what the final base looks like
All there missing now is painted models to stand on them!
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