Immoren’s Deadliest Warriors!
New project for me and our club (Kooinda Klub) is Immoren’s
Deadliest Warriors!
We will be matching Units/solos/jacks/beasts from various
Warmachine and Hordes
factions and scoring and ranking these warriors.
factions and scoring and ranking these warriors.
We will attempt to match combatants by
similar game roles and composition e.g. Cygnar Trenchers verses Khador
Winterguard, unit will be max size and have Weapon/unit attachments where
possible but there will be no caster/warlock spells or other benefits that they cannot generate themselves.
Warjacks will have max focus each round and Warbeast will
not have to worry about fury management or threshold test.
The matches will have three elements to them
1) Tales of the Tape – details of the combatants. Including
images of our models.
2) The Deathmatch! – 10 Fights between the combatants on a
minimum terrain 2 by 2 foot table.
3) Match review – this is where we will score our
contestants on the following areas:
Defence – basic survivability not purely on this match up
but against all possible opposition.
Offence – what can they do and how well they put their
opposition down.
Table top presence – Their threat on the table, combining
range and fear they generate.
A (top choice for faction – almost an auto include in tournament lists to be competitive – few
weak match ups if any)
B (Strong choice for faction – Can be included in Tournament
lists – a few possible bad match ups)
C (Average choice – meets requirement for inclusion, can be
hit and miss in tournament play)
D (Below average – has match ups which are not idea (inclusion for looks or fluff)
F (Crappy – or more likely we just couldn’t figure out how
to use this unit, solo, jack yet – please help us!)
Last is fun factor or X factor and it’s a yes or no
All club members present during the test get a vote on all the above, majority rules for scoring.
I’m hoping to have a ladder to record the score for the
models. This
should be fun but keep in mind this will be based on our limited experience and
is more of an opportunity for us to get together and have fun playing some
games and thinking about options we play.
We will be using models we own and play so we will be
Menoth, Khador, Mercs, Cryx, Cygnar, Retribution, Circle,
Legion, Skorne, Trollbloods at this stage.
Wheres the write up for this one Aido