So the target is set 36 models and the time frame 21stof Jan, notice that in the two list only one model (Spriggan) is repeated.
Here is the colour scheme I have in mind
Why I painted the Khador model so far from the Khador red norm,
I’m red and green colour-blind; I find painting solid red areas really painfully and shading red nearly impossible.
Also I think red is maybe one of the worst colours for winter camo
I’m not really sure what Khador was thinking when they spayed their Jack bright red and sent they into the Cygnar gun lines – it’s not like they were difficult to hit to start with.
The Grey and Blue colours contrast nicely and will used across the whole army, even mercs.
The Blues is done with the following
Starts with a 75 % Codex Grey (GW) and 25% White base coat,
Washed in Tamiya Smoke X-32 (10 – 1 ratio with water)
Then 50 % Codex Grey,50 % White touch up.
Finial highlight of pure white rivets and edges.
The Blues is done with the following
Starts with a 75 % Royal Blue (GW) and 25% Codex Grey (GW),
Washed in Tamiya Smoke x-32 (10 – 1 ratio with water)
Then 50 % Royal Blue,50 % Codex Grey.
Finial highlight of white with a slight amount of the above touch-up colour
I’m keeping the metal on these models very simple, PP pig iron and GW silver with washes or GW badab black and Tamiya smoke and then reapplying the metal colour until I get the look I’m after.
I find painting metals it’s more about the appearance of weight of the object that conveys the right look – Metal jacks need to look really heavy where a assassins dagger needs to be lighter, easier to wield.
It’s time for a table (No project is complete without a checklist)
50 point – Hardcore list (21 models) | Progress |
Kommander Orsus Zoktavir | Done and Based! |
Beast 09 | Done and Based! |
Spriggan | Done and Based! |
Man-O-War Drakhun (With Dismount) | Done and Based! |
Fenris (Mounted and foot) | Done and Based! |
Great Bears of Gallowswood | Done and Based! |
Koldun Lord | Done and Based! |
Widowmakers | Done and Based! |
Widowmaker Marksman | Done and Based! |
Yuri the Axe | Done and Based! |
Ogrun Bokur | Done and Based! |
Kell Bailoch | Done and Based! |
Harlan Versh | Done and Based! |
Gorman Di Wulfe | Done and Based! |
25 point – Highlander list (16 models) | Progress |
Zevanna Agha, Old Witch of Khador | Done and Based! |
Scrapjack | Done and Based! |
Spriggan | Done and Based! |
Juggernaut | Done and Based! |
War Dog | Done and Based! |
10 Kayazy Assassins | Done and Based! |
Kayazy Underboss | Done and Based! |
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